On June 15, 1916 the US Congress first issued a charter (Title 36 congressional charter) to the Boy Scouts of America signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. Scouting in the USA has been charged to help make American youth into outstanding citizens. Since that time Scouting has evolved slowly into the program it is today. Each scouting unit is chartered and owned by organizations threw out our community. Membership in Scouts BSA is required from National before joining a scout unit. That’s the form you filled out when you first joined. Every year after your membership fees are paid threw recharted. Each Council in the United States is financially independent of the National Office. Your local council is funded by local donations and threw Friends of Scouting (FOS).
🌐 https://www.scouting.org/commissioners/internet-rechartering/
🌐 https://www.cflscouting.org/unit-recharters/