Every year all scouting units recharter. 😬 The recharter packet should contain the following:
✔ Step-by-Step Instructions
✔ Printout of Units Current Membership
✔ Unit & Membership Fees
✔ Journey to Excellence
✔ Annual Charter Agreement
✔ Contact Help and Resources Information
✔ Other Stuff from Council/District
Recharter packets are picked up at the October Roundtable. Recharter starts online with instructions contained in the packet. Print out the forms specified in the instructions. Get the signature that is required. Make financial arrangements to cover your fees. Complete the rechartering at the November Roundtable. Remember that you are not alone. Use your resources if you have questions.
🌎 https://www.scouting.org/commissioners/internet-rechartering
🍬 Trick-or-Treat!?! Okay here is your candy… https://youtu.be/zlQNdGdl8Rc