Hey ScouterStan, let’s talk about changing that meeting. Oh my gosh, there are a lot of scout meetings that tend to go on and on, and… they don’t get anything
Category: Commissioners Weekly

Firem’n Chit Explained: Essential Fire Safety Skills for Every ScoutFirem’n Chit Explained: Essential Fire Safety Skills for Every Scout
The Firem’n Chit is a great opportunity for Scout leaders to teach scouts how to safely build fires and earn this training achievement. Leaders guide Scouts through the requirements to

10 Forgotten Scout Skills You Must Know10 Forgotten Scout Skills You Must Know
Hey, ScouterStan, let’s talk about 10 forgotten skills that Scouting provides to youth through the Scouting program. Now these 10 things that I just came up with are not in

Unlock Leadership Skills with the Den Chief Service Award in Scouting AmericaUnlock Leadership Skills with the Den Chief Service Award in Scouting America
Hey, Scouter Stan, let’s talk a little bit about the Den Chief and their role and responsibilities within a pack and a den. They’re there to help the Den leader

Totin’ Chip Explained: Tool Safety Every Scout NeedsTotin’ Chip Explained: Tool Safety Every Scout Needs
Hey, ScouterStan, let’s talk a little bit about the Totin’ Chip and its importance in Scouting America. The Totin’ Chip is a very honored tradition within Scouting in America and

Scout Camping for AllScout Camping for All
The definition of Scout Camping is very broad. It ranges from a sleepover, all the way to a weeks-long mountain climbing hiking adventure. It's important...
Keep Up the Good Work!Keep Up the Good Work!
The ScouterStan YouTube channel is very close to getting 3,000 subscribers this November. I remember how difficult it was back in 2020 when we got to the 1K level. Today
Commissioner Service… a Cub Masters’ Next Step?Commissioner Service… a Cub Masters’ Next Step?
What is the oldest leadership corps in Scouting? The oldest leadership role in Scouting is the...
What is Friendly, Courteous, and Kind?What is Friendly, Courteous, and Kind?
Adult leaders and parents are NOT exempt from the Scout Law. Have you ever really thought...
Reporting Service HoursReporting Service Hours
Historically, a BSA service project is a special Good Turn that puts Scout spirit into....