The definition of Scout Camping is very broad. It ranges from a sleepover, all the way to a weeks-long mountain climbing hiking adventure. It's important to know some of the
Category: Commissioners Weekly
Keep Up the Good Work!Keep Up the Good Work!
The ScouterStan YouTube channel is very close to getting 3,000 subscribers this November. I remember how difficult it was back in 2020 when we got to the 1K level. Today
Commissioner Service… a Cub Masters’ Next Step?Commissioner Service… a Cub Masters’ Next Step?
What is the oldest leadership corps in Scouting? The oldest leadership role in Scouting is the...
What is Friendly, Courteous, and Kind?What is Friendly, Courteous, and Kind?
Adult leaders and parents are NOT exempt from the Scout Law. Have you ever really thought...
Reporting Service HoursReporting Service Hours
Historically, a BSA service project is a special Good Turn that puts Scout spirit into....
Merit Badge CounselorMerit Badge Counselor
All troops should expect every adult to take on some kind of leadership role. One that’s often overlooked is...
Dealing With Upset Parents – How Leaders Deal With ItDealing With Upset Parents – How Leaders Deal With It
Thair is an actual complaint form for parents. That national has a 100% guaranty on. More info later, let's jump into...
Order of the Arrow, After Brotherhood What’s Next?Order of the Arrow, After Brotherhood What’s Next?
Now that the ties of Brotherhood are upon you, what’s next? Get into your chapter and lodge activity weekends!...
How to Deal With Homesickness – Home Sick?How to Deal With Homesickness – Home Sick?
First time on their own. 2nd or 3rd night at summer camp – Most new Scouts develop self-imposed anxiety or...
Thank you for 1000 Subscribers – 1K? WOW! I mean really…?Thank you for 1000 Subscribers – 1K? WOW! I mean really…?
There are 31,000,000 YouTube Channels and only 76,179* have more than 1K Subscribers. That represents...