“Hey I thought you were the Boy Scouts… I’m sorry I must have the wrong organization. The organization I belonged to, did have joint Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts events,
Tag: boy scouts of america

10 Forgotten Scout Skills You Must Know10 Forgotten Scout Skills You Must Know
Hey, ScouterStan, let’s talk about 10 forgotten skills that Scouting provides to youth through the Scouting program. Now these 10 things that I just came up with are not in

Building Confidence in the Outdoors: Helping Youth Face Camping FearsBuilding Confidence in the Outdoors: Helping Youth Face Camping Fears
Hey ScouterStan, let’s talk a little bit about helping scouts face fears of going outdoors or camping. Now this issue came up on the YouTube channel where we actually had

How to Know When to Step Back in ScoutingHow to Know When to Step Back in Scouting
Hey, ScouterStam, let’s talk a little bit about standing back a little bit from the youth. This is a huge subject that was brought up on the YouTube channel. There

Discover the History and Symbolism of OA Lodge Flaps and Event PatchesDiscover the History and Symbolism of OA Lodge Flaps and Event Patches
Hey ScouterStan, let’s talk about patch trading within the order of the arrow. This question came up on the YouTube channel where they asked more about the different types of
Happy New Year from ScouterStanHappy New Year from ScouterStan
Hey, I’m still on vacation! You should be celebrating the new year. 2020 has been very challenging and we need to celebrate all of the successes and lessons learned from
Pandemic ScoutingPandemic Scouting
COVID-19 has been quite challenging this past year. Scouting has met the pandemic head-on worldwide. Scout...
Camping is one of the most rewarding of all Scouting activities. It can also be challenging in...
Get TrainingGet Training
Every Scout deserves a trained leader. Often we joined scouts as adults to help out. The best way to do that is to become a trained leader. We also have