Behind The Scenes
What’s in Production on the ScouterStan Channel?
At this time, ScouterStan is just me! [Stan Richards] I’m the producer, researcher, scriptwriter, video crew, performer, key grip, gaffer, editor, graphic designer, media publisher, and head bottle washer. I freely volunteer to do all of this intensive work for you and scouting, because I know in my heart you’re worth it. I know there are some subscribers out there who would like to donate some time to help our ScouterStan community.
In the past, we would put all of the subjects that we wanted to cover in a dated list. But I’ve found out that it is far better, that I just list the subjects so that I can move the schedule around according to production. Please take a moment to look over the list of subjects that I’m thinking of doing an episode on. If you have an idea or a suggestion feel free to e-mail me. Hopefully, I can get it put on this list relatively quickly.
Most videos & podcasts fall into one of six categories:
- Award Recognition & Ceremonies – Most of the time this has to do with the requirements needed for an achievement. Ceremonies in recognition of achievements are very important in Scouting.
- Order of the Arrow – This is often combined with other categories. But the core values of the OA are always upheld.
- Training or Awareness – As adult leaders we know there are multiple opportunities for training throughout our time as Scouters. Being aware of issues and how to handle them in a scout-like manner is essential.
- Scout Leader Skills – A lot of scout leaders need help in dealing with other leaders and parents. Knowing the basic scout skills is not enough, how to use them is far more important.
- Scouting History – Scouting is very old and steeped in history. There are many aspects of Scouting that are often overlooked and are just as important today.
- Uniform/Patches/Badges/Insignia Related – This one covers not only where to put patches/badges on the uniform but also how to collect them where they came from and what they mean.
Note: I am very open-minded to subjects outside of the basic 6 categories listed above. If your idea does not fit within the six categories it will still be considered. This is just a general guideline of categories that have been developing over time. Feel free to submit an email with Internet links as references.