The 12 points of the BSA's Scout Law was put together by Robert Baden-Powell and Ernest Seton. The first publication of ‘Scouting for Boys’ in...
Tag: eagle scout
Requirement Sign-off for Troops & Packs – What is an Instructor?Requirement Sign-off for Troops & Packs – What is an Instructor?
In a Pack, the sign-off responsibilities are delegated to the adult Den leadership and parents. In a Troop, this may...
Who Was Baden-Powell? & How B-P Changed the World!Who Was Baden-Powell? & How B-P Changed the World!
The history of B-P is naturally lengthy in detail. Knowing the brief history will help you gain insight as to the foundations of...
Scoutbook? The Official Scouts BSA Online Unit Management ToolScoutbook? The Official Scouts BSA Online Unit Management Tool
Whether you like it or not, Scoutbook is here to stay. In April 2015 the BSA acquired Scoutbook. Scoutbook is the official Scouts BSA online unit management tool. This helps...
How Did Scouting Start in America?How Did Scouting Start in America?
The history of scoutings beginnings and how scouting came to America is a fascinating subject. We first must understand the...
Scout Sabeth, Scout Sunday, A Scout is ReverentScout Sabeth, Scout Sunday, A Scout is Reverent
Scout Sunday or Sabeth is the first weekend of February. Many units are chartered with religious organizations and it would only be...
Scout Units Need to Protect Their GearScout Units Need to Protect Their Gear
Scout units are not immune to the thievery of their equipment. All scouting units should take precautions to discourage thieves from stealing. Criminals are looking for...
Now Seeing in 2020 – A New Year of ScoutingNow Seeing in 2020 – A New Year of Scouting
Happy New Year! 2020 will be a big year for us scout leaders. Sometime in September, we should see the first girl...
Scouting Knowledge 🎁 The REAL Gift for Americas YouthScouting Knowledge 🎁 The REAL Gift for Americas Youth
During this vacation time, it would be ideal to check into your scout leader training. Records of your training are attached to your...
Dutch Oven Stuff❓🔥 Cooking in the Great Outdoors with Camping GadgetsDutch Oven Stuff❓🔥 Cooking in the Great Outdoors with Camping Gadgets
Every Chef has a deep respect for the skillet… Scouters love something much deeper. Dutch ovens! Many Scouters discover that...