Whether you like it or not, Scoutbook is here to stay. In April 2015 the BSA acquired Scoutbook. Scoutbook is the official Scouts BSA online unit management tool. This helps Scouts, parents, and adult leaders track advancement. Records milestone and achievements all on Scoutbook. Nights camped, notes and other communication features. As of January 1, 2019, Scoutbook subscriptions are free to all scouting units. BSA owns the software and servers. Internet advancement, ScoutNET, ScoutingU, and My.Scouting.org are going to eventually integrate over time. Today Scoutbook can be attached to online advancement but requires unit authorizations.
🌎 How to Use Scoutbook – Keeping track of Scout Advancement: https://voiceofscouting.org/using-scoutbook
🎬 Introducing ScoutBook.com: https://youtu.be/dNr_mIHXDi8
🎬 Getting Started in Scoutbook: https://youtu.be/T3OCSoramOA
🌎 Logging into Scoutbook: https://help.scoutbook.com/knowledge-base/signing-on-to-scoutbook-with-single-sign-on/
🌎 Scoutbook and Internet Advancement help: https://help.scoutbook.com/
🌎 Scoutbook User Guide: https://www.scoutbook.com/mobile/forums/using-scoutbook/
🌎 Scoutbook Tutorial for Parents: https://help.scoutbook.com/knowledge-base/scoutbook-tutorial-for-parents/
🌎 Scoutbook Merit Badge Counselor Guide: https://help.scoutbook.com/knowledge-base/scoutbook-merit-badge-counselor-guide/