The primary goal with all Scout leaders is Safety. We as adult leaders need to understand that sometimes we learn more by failing. A Senior Patrol Leader may not have a meeting planned out to the Scoutmasters’ satisfaction or liking. That doesn’t give the Scoutmaster license to take over the meeting. Scouting is a “highly organized chaos” at times. When the meeting ends the Scoutmaster should ask the Senior Patrol Leader open-ended questions like; What would have made the meeting better? What resources would prevent the meeting from failing? What are you planning for the next meeting? Cub Scout leaders have a plan for every meeting. Some time things go wrong. Often it becomes a fond memory of the good times. You know… Cub Master “Shrek” at the Halloween Pack meeting.
🌎 Troop Leader Resources:
🌎 Program Features for Troops and Crews:
📺 Troop Leader YouTube Channel:
🎬 Planning Seminar:
⚜️ Note: Cub Scout leaders need to use Scoutbook for guidance on leading meetings.