Scouting is a worldwide brotherhood bound by the Scout Oath/Promise and Scout Law. However, the Scout Law is worded differently in many parts of the world. There are 172 organizations
Bad School Nights Do HappenBad School Nights Do Happen
Recently I participated in a school night that did not have the desired impression. The school had scheduled us to have our parents meeting in a hallway between the cafeteria
My First YouTube VideoMy First YouTube Video
I was looking back at my YouTube channel achievements listed by VidIQ and started to think about how it all began. I think it started with the very first video
Live Show? YES!Live Show? YES!
If you have been following my channel on YouTube, you know I’ve been talking about doing more live shows. In the midst of all this, a young man from England
Happy New Year from ScouterStanHappy New Year from ScouterStan
Hey, I’m still on vacation! You should be celebrating the new year. 2020 has been very challenging and we need to celebrate all of the successes and lessons learned from
Pandemic ScoutingPandemic Scouting
COVID-19 has been quite challenging this past year. Scouting has met the pandemic head-on worldwide. Scout...
Camping is one of the most rewarding of all Scouting activities. It can also be challenging in...
Get TrainingGet Training
Every Scout deserves a trained leader. Often we joined scouts as adults to help out. The best way to do that is to become a trained leader. We also have
Commissioner Service… a Cub Masters’ Next Step?Commissioner Service… a Cub Masters’ Next Step?
What is the oldest leadership corps in Scouting? The oldest leadership role in Scouting is the...