ScouterStan Commissioners Weekly I’m Thankful for Scouting

I’m Thankful for Scouting

Thanksgiving is this week and Scout Leaders need to reflect on Things there thankful for. I’m back with a new season of commissioners weekly. We are going to cover a lot of stuff you don’t wont to miss… so subscribe and get other leaders to do it too.

⚠️ Impotent: Last Season we ended each video with a teaser for a knot tying series called Knotty Thoughts. Filming had started and then got delayed do to FTC – COPPA (Child Online Privacy Protection Act) concerns. Hopefully, we will have this all worked out by the end of the year. 😬

What Scouting means to me… Scouting is my personal ministry. Scouting is different than any other charity. A souter friend of mine once sed in a speech…“When you get paid to do work, that’s called a job. When you do work without getting paid, it’s called volunteering. When you pay someone and you do the work, it’s called Scouting.” I’m thankful for Scouting in my fothers life, my life and sons life. I’m Thankful for the over 40 Scouts I mentored to Eagle. I’m thankful for the professional staff that dedicates countless hours to America’s children, we call Scouts. I’m thankful for this series of commissioners weekly. I’m thankful for the adult leaders like you, who made it all possible.

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